Self Awareness
Morning Pages
Stream-of-consciousness journaling that focuses on the process of decluttering one’s mind leaving oneself feeling happier, lighter, and less stressed.
Food Waste Journal
People can write down their feelings (both bad and good) regarding the hardships and surprises in their food waste journey. It is a personal rewarding record for themselves.
Life - Vision Mission
It states the purpose of one’s personal goals and reasons in working toward reducing food waste. If an individual is reminded of their goals during hard times, they will be more likely to succeed!
Meditation is perfect for helping individuals calm down during stress and be focused. It will help one understand and learn how to transform their thoughts from negative to positive.
Conscious deep breathing will enable you to focus on the task at hand, remain calm and reduce stress. When the mind and body is calm, you can think more clearly to find a solution to the problem.
When negative thoughts & emotions are released through grounding, we let go of stressful worries and are better equipped to deal with day-to-day situations that arise in life, bringing clarity.
Self-awareness is the first key needed to start unlocking age-old traditional mind-sets. By going through the process of looking within we can begin to understand our-self better and see outwardly from a clearer perspective. Self-awareness will enable us to find solutions to everyday, including food waste. Use these tools to help unlock your self-awareness and start a journey within:
Morning Pages – Stream-of-consciousness method of journaling that focuses more on the process of de-cluttering one’s mind rather than the content that is written on the pages. Individuals in the corporation and company can record their efforts or steps to reducing food waste (for instance, buying produce directly rather than the ones that are already cut up and put into plastic bags or choosing to eat leftovers rather than go out). Regardless of how small the topic, every little step is crucial for growth and studies have shown that workers who engage in morning pages as a habit report being happier, feeling lighter, and less stressed since they have de-cluttered their mind first thing in the morning.
Food Waste Journal – Starting a small tracking journal may be helpful in increasing mindfulness and awareness regarding their personal progress on helping reduce food waste. It does not have to be a formal journal but just listing one’s small actions that help to reduce food waste can already make an individual feel happier and proud of their small accomplishments toward this cause. For people, this can be a track record for themselves in being able to look back and see their progress and journey. Plus, they can write down their feelings (both bad and good) regarding whether it was hard to avoid food waste or if it was easier. It is a personal record for themselves. It is both rewarding and insightful for the individual to be able to notice and track their change and journey!
Life Vision-Mission – Whenever an individual is starting a new goal or lifestyle journey, they can create their own personalized ‘mission statement’ for themselves. It states the purpose of their organization, goals, and the individual’s personal goals or reasons in working toward reducing food waste. It is not a formal assignment but whenever an individual is struggling with the process of decreasing food waste in their life, they can look to their personalized food waste/life vision-mission which will help them to stay motivated and keep on going with their journey. Science shows that if an individual is reminded of their core values or goals during hard times, they will be more likely to succeed with their goals and deal with the hard times to reap the ending benefits!
Meditation – Meditation helps you find your true self, restores mindfulness, confidence, vitality and energy. A recent Harvard study showed that an eight-week meditation training course improves brain function associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress. Mindful meditation has also been shown in an Harvard study to reduce physical pain and enable us to shut out the useless noise going around us so we can focus better. Meditation is good for all age groups, including kids. We recommend a special Nature Visualization meditation for kids. Taking time each day to stop thinking for a period of time in order to listen and understand one’s inner workings and thoughts will help to let go of negative thoughts and stress from work or conflict. Meditation is perfect for helping employees to calm down during stressful times and be more focused. It will help each person to understand themselves and learn how to transform their thoughts from negative to positive. By doing this practice for just a few minutes each day can help better the quality of each passing day, not just for the few minutes that you take to meditate.
Breathing – Conscious deep breathing will enable you to focus on the task at hand, remain calm and reduce stress. When the mind and body is calm, you can think more clearly to find a solution to the problem you’re facing. The MIT Medical team promotes deep breathing as part of their ‘Be Well’ program because studies have shown deep breathing reduces stress levels. The ancient techniques of deep breathing and meditation have been validated by modern scientists for usefulness in the journey to self-awareness and mindfulness.
Grounding – The definition of the word ‘grounded’ refers to someone who is mentally & emotionally stable and well-balanced. When negative thoughts and emotions are released through grounding, we let go of stressful worries and are better equipped to deal with day-to-day situations that arise in life. With all the worries and concerns released from our self, it brings clarity to us.
Thus, increasing self-awareness or mindfulness in all areas can help people to become more aware of their impact to the environment and their community. It also includes being aware of the steps involved in getting the food from its source to their spoons and the impact that food waste can have both financially and socially.
When one is aware, it is easy to take corrective actions and see the benefits of food waste reduction in their own lives.